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About Voip in Review is here to help you make sense of this growing technology and the products and services that go along with it. The land-line telephone is becoming an antiquated communication device as more and more people switch to digital communication - whether that be Voice Over Internet Protocol or mobile phones. How we keep in touch is changing.

At you'll find current news to keep you informed about updates and changes affecting this medium. You'll also find unbiased reviews written by our team to help you identify which products are right for you. As well, you can share your experiences and give other readers your first-hand experience as they comparison shop.

Michelle Boskie - Senior Editor

Michelle has a bachelor's degree from the University of Oklahoma. Her work in the interactive space has helped her abandoned analog communication and almost solely relies on digital communication for conducting business and keeping in touch with friends and family. When she using her high speed internet connection to tele-commute to work, she's video chatting with the grandparents to show off the baby.

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